Stand Against Baloch Genocide: Sign the Petition for UN Intervention


Meta Description:

Join the global movement for justice! Sign online petition initiated by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee, urging the United Nations to investigate human rights violations, custodial killings, and mass graves in Balochistan, Pakistan. Your support matters—let’s unite against the perpetrators of the Baloch Genocide. Sign the petition now! #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide #IStandWithBalochMarch #StopBalochKillings #SignBYCPetition


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Welcome to, where we advocate for a world that stands against oppression. We invite you to be a part of something significant by signing the online petition initiated by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee. This petition calls on the United Nations to send a fact-finding mission to Balochistan, Pakistan, to investigate and address the grave issues faced by the Baloch people.

#MarchAgainstBalochGenocide #IStabdwithBalochMarch #StopBalochKillings #SignBYCPetition

Why Sign the Petition?

Balochistan has witnessed human rights violations, custodial killings, and the disturbing discovery of mass graves. The Baloch Yakjehti Committee believes that a UN fact-finding mission is crucial to unveil the truth, bring justice, and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Dr Mahrang Baloch

Sammi Deen Baloch 

How Can You Help?

Signing the petition is a simple yet powerful way to demonstrate your support for the oppressed communities in Balochistan. By signing, you join a global voice against the Baloch Genocide. Your signature contributes to the demand for accountability and justice. #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide #IStandWithBalochMarch #StopBalochKillings #SignBYCPetition

Follow The simple steps

Sign In Petition Without pay

1- Click the link

2 & 3- Fill out the form and click the button. “Sign this petition.”

4- Click “No, I’ll share instead”

5- Share the petition on your social media account

Sign In Petition "with tiny amount to promote BYC"

1- Click the link

2 & 3- Fill out the form and click the button. “Sign this petition.” Note that you can give random information.”

4- Click “Yes, I’ll chip Rs… to distribute this petition”

5- Select the amount 

6- Fill out the card details, then click “Chip in PKR ……”

7- Finally you did it ❤ 

Petition Accessibility: The online petition is accessible worldwide. Anyone who believes in human rights and justice can participate. Spread the word and encourage your network to sign! Let’s amplify our collective voice for the Baloch people.

Take Action: Sign Now! Visit our petition page and add your signature to stand with Balochistan. Your support is a crucial step towards ending the atrocities and ensuring a better future for the Baloch people. #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide #IStandWithBalochMarch #StopBalochKillings #SignBYCPetition

Conclusion: At, we believe in the power of unity. Join us in making a difference by signing the online petition. Together, we can be a force for positive change, bringing attention to the Baloch Genocide and advocating for justice on the global stage. #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide #IStandWithBalochMarch #StopBalochKillings #SignBYCPetition

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