Whether you’re preparing for a uniformed position like Junior Petrol Officer (JPO) or aiming for one of the non-uniform positions within the National Highways & Motorway Police (NHMP), such as Assistant, Steno Typist, Photographer, Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), or Para Medical Staff, accessing past papers for the General Knowledge section can significantly bolster your preparation efforts.
General Knowledge past papers provide valuable insight into the breadth and depth of knowledge required for various roles within the NHMP. They cover a wide range of topics, including current affairs, history, geography, politics, science, and more. By reviewing these past papers, candidates can familiarize themselves with the types of questions asked and the level of difficulty they can expect in the examination.

Whether you’re brushing up on your knowledge of Pakistan’s history and geography, staying updated on current events and national/international affairs, or enhancing your understanding of scientific concepts and technological advancements, practicing with General Knowledge past papers allows candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses in this crucial area.
However, it’s important for candidates to approach General Knowledge past papers as part of a comprehensive study plan. While they offer valuable practice and insight, candidates should supplement their preparation with additional resources such as newspapers, magazines, online news portals, and reference books to ensure a well-rounded understanding of various topics.
So, whether you’re aspiring to wear the NHMP uniform as a JPO or aiming for a non-uniform position within the organization, delving into General Knowledge past papers can be a strategic approach to enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success in securing these roles.